The Allocator Mindset
Life is full of decisions and the choices we make determine the outcomes for ourselves, our children, and our communities.

We allocate our attention, capital, endorsements - and these decisions are some of the most consequential.
As an investor it's often the asset class allocation chosen that matters more to the long run outcome than the individual investments or funds you use to satisfy the allocation requirements.
I’m allocating time and energy to writing because:
- Nothing sharpens my clarity or perspective as much as writing
- Nothing forces me to make my writing great like publishing it
- One day I will die; I want to leave my daughters the best advice I can synthesise
Here is a recursive act of writing about allocating time to writing - and there is much to be said for spending more time thinking about how we allocate our time.
Indeed, our time is fundamentally non-renewable for us, unlike money of which more can be made. Time is exquisitely finite. So I'll write about allocating time.
Writing about allocating capital is a time allocation I prioritise because:
- I love investing and the freedom that comes with properly managed capital
- I’ve been fortunate to spend countless hours with amazing investors both in person and by reading their writing. Synthesising what I’ve learned for myself, my family, and you feels worthwhile
- I believe capital allocation matters at a societal level: Capital allocation to R&D is what has created this future we live in today that was unimaginable (in a good way!) 100 years ago. Capital allocation drives talent allocation. Capital allocation _really matters_ for the trajectory of our global society, for each country, for each community.
I think about allocating endorsements like this:
- I don’t believe I (or anyone else) has truly unique ideas - we humans are more of a collective ant hill than any of us might like to believe - so finding great points to what other people have written, said, or done is nearly as important as doing great work yourself.
- If you recommend everything there is very little signal - being discerning and thoughtful about your recommendations is important - you must make careful allocations decisions here to be credible
One of the things I most value when reading, listening, or watching content is pointers to other things to consume to learn more - I’ve tried to start here with my reading lists.
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